cloud layer
- 云层

The Influence of Cloud Layer and Aerosol on Absorption of Solar Radiation
The high mountain passes the cloud layer to tower aloft .
Altitude of cloud layer also changes with territories apparently , besides obvious seasonal variation .
In Chapter Four , laser scattering character of cloud layer is simulated with computer under different meteorological conditions .
Another exceptional case , considered below is when the explosion occurs below a cloud layer .
Analysis on the relation between cloud layer character and precipitation over the upper reaches of Huanghe River
Darkness was coming early because of the cloud layer that still blanketed the sky .
Duplicate the Cloud Layer and Flip it Horizontally and then place it like in the next image .
The lightning is the current from the cloud layer to the cloud layer or from the cloud layer to ground .
An efficient approach for segmenting and detecting small moving target in infrared image sequences against complex cloud layer background is given .
Formed through radiative cooling , the surface fog layer was followed by a cloud layer caused by lowlevel cold advection .
Some of the heat radiates into space , but much of it bounces off the cloud layer and goes back into the ground .
Ana lysis of bright band 's features of 0 ℃ cloud layer in gutian , Fujian Province during the first rainy season in South China
Covers in the fog under the dark blue nighttime sky , the cloud layer pushes mutually , the star shows talent for the first time .
In Chapter Three , we quantitatively analyze wavelength of laser that detect cloud layer , and have found optimum laser wavelength value according to Mie scattering theory in atmospheric optics .
The archetypal Lord is dark and brooding , with a commanding bearing . Darkness was coming early because of the cloud layer that still blanketed the sky .
At present , the main means for eliminating the interference of the cloud layer is to compare and analyze the multi-temporal graphs of the same region during a period ( e.g. 10 days ) .
It is shown that the heating rates of the cloud layer having optical depth 10-100 can reach 7-8 ℃ / day . The absorption of cloud droplets and aerosol is an important mechanism for increasing heating rate in cloud layer .
NWP Model Evaluation on Cloud Vertical Layer Structure With Satellite Product
Large-scale magnetospheric responses to the magnetic cloud boundary layer & Case study
Does there any living things below the cloud covering layer of venus ?
This paper also works out the amount of catalyst which is allowed in the cloud nucleation layer according to the different quantity of the supercooled water , the density of the supersaturation of the vapor with respect to ice .
The structure of combustion dust cloud within boundary layer induced by shock wave
The cloud software environment layer provides servic es at the application platform level
Study of turbulent structure parameters at top of cloud covered convective boundary layer
It was found that there was good corresponding relationship between small reflectivity at channel 3 and radar echo when cloud is a single layer . It was testified that the result of size analyzed from satellite was the same as that from radar data during precipitation .
Designed based on the concept and characteristics of cloud storage , cloud storage , four-story storage server model from the bottom to the top are : cloud storage layer , data management , data services layer ( also called the Application Interface Layer ) as well as access layer .
We get rules of the attenuation of fog , cloud , haze and atmosphere as the height changes , and give the calculation formula of the laser scattering character of cloud layer .
This article makes a function model of satellite cloud image which has explicit synoptic meteorology significance , and draws quantitatively the satellite cloud chart parameter on the basis of the classified cloud layer , and seeks the short-time forecast target index with the similar operation of cloud chart template .